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48 Results
  • Start Ticketsale and first Concerts

    The 3 Days of Jazz Saalfelden 2025 offers musical highlights with Velvet Revolution, Enemy and other highlights
  • Review of the 44th Saalfelden Jazz Festival

    "Is it really over already?" was the most frequently heard question last night as the final note of this year's Saalfelden Jazz Festival faded away. After more than 60 concerts, both indoors and outdoors, in the city and the surrounding nature, on established stages and improvised performance spaces, it's hard to believe. Yet, with such a packed program, the 44th edition once again flew by in no time.
  • Only a few tickets left

    This year's edition of the Jazzfestival Saalfelden is fast approaching and in just over four weeks - on August 19 to be precise - the pre-sale for the remaining tickets will end. Anyone interested should hurry, as there are only a few tickets left for the Mainstage and the Otto-Gruber-Halle. So it is worth being quick!
  • 200 artists from 16 nations at the 44th edition

    While we have so far been able to arouse curiosity with individual components of this year's Saalfelden Jazz Festival, we are now - with some pride - looking at the complete program for the 44th edition of the festival from 22 to 25 August 2024.
  • More names from the programme of the 44th Jazzfestival Saalfelden

    Now that the long-awaited spring has arrived, we would like to sweeten the anticipation of the warm seasons with more names from this year's programme for the 44th edition of the Jazzfestival Saalfelden from 22 to 25 August 2024.
  • Further names for the 44th edition

    Dear jazz fans, As soon as the Easter weekend is over, we are announcing the next confirmed acts for this year's 44th edition of the Saalfelden Jazz Festival from August 22 to 25, just in time for the upcoming industry meeting, jazzahead! in Bremen.
  • Ticket sales start & first highlights 2024

    With great anticipation for this year's Saalfelden Jazz Festival, we are delighted to give you a first insight into the programme and present this year's theme.
  • Music for mind and soul

    Last weekend, from 26-28 January 2024, the "3 Days of Jazz" was celebrated for the 7th time in Saalfelden Leogang.
  • 3 days of jazz 2024

    From 26-28 January 2024, the 3 Days of Jazz in Saalfelden Leogang will take place for the seventh time. Five concerts will be organised at the Kunsthaus Nexus Saalfelden, two concerts at the Mining- and Gothic Museum Leogang, one at the Stöcklalm on the Asitz mountain and, for the first time, one in the Saalfelden parish church.
  • Interview So! Magazine: YOU HAVE TO GET INTO JAZZ!

    Daniela Neumayer, production manager, and Mario Steidl, program director, in conversation with Stefan Schimmel about the history of the Saalfelden International Jazz Festival, the development of the festival against a breathtaking mountain backdrop and preconceptions about jazz.
  • Press conference 2023

    The Jazzfestival Saalfelden invited to press conferences in Salzburg and Munich, where the program of the 43rd festival edition could be presented.
  • ticket shop started / first names

    We are already working with great anticipation on the 43rd edition of the Jazzfestival Saalfelden, which will take place from 17-20 August 2023.

48 Results