News about the Jazz Festival

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48 Results
  • Jazzwine 2018 - now available!

    From now on the jazz wines 2018 can be purchased in the tourism office in Saalfelden or in the „Weinkistl“ in Saalfelden!
  • Jazz T-Shirts 2018 - now available!

    From now on the jazz t-shirts 2018 can be purchased in the tourism office in Saalfelden.
  • Sujet 2018

    The idea behind “Encounters,” this year’s visual leitmotif
  • First Names 2018

    We are delighted to announce the opening act, a work by an Austrian musician commissioned annually by artistic director Mario Steidl of Verein Zentrum Zeitgenössische Musik (Center & Association for Contemporary Music).
  • Concerts in Museum sold out!

    The concerts of Georg Breinschmid and BartolomeyBittmann are already sold out!
  • Social Clips

    All Social Clips can be found on our Youtube Channel:
  • JazzMags 2017 are here!

    From now on the jazz magazine is available in the tourist office Saalfelden!
  • Jazzwine 2017 - now available!

    As of now the jazz wines 2017 can be buyed in the tourism office in Saalfelden or in the "Weinkistl" in Saalfelden.
  • Das Internationale Jazzfestival Saalfelden präsentiert die Jazzweine 2017

    Zum Erfolgsrezept des Internationalen Jazzfestival Saalfelden gehören nicht nur der zeitgenössische Jazz und die experimentierfreudigen Musiker, die auf hohen künstlerischem Niveau Neues wagen. Eines der jährlichen Highlights bilden auch die zwei besonders guten Weine aus österreichischen Kellern, welche seit nunmehr zehn Jahren sorgfältig ausgewählt werden.
  • "3 days of Jazz" 2018

    The small Jazzfestival in winter will take place again in 2018. From 19th - 21th of January 2018 jazz sounds will sound surrounded by glittering snow!
  • First names of 2017's program

    We are proud to present you the first austrian projects of this years Festival issue to you:
  • Jazzfestival News 1 EN

    Almost 40 years have passed since the today's Jazzfestival Saalfelden opened its doors in 1978 with the Name "3 Days of Jazz". Now in 2017 we were able to listen to the unconventional jazz tones for the second time in winter, so we presented a total of 7 concerts during the "3 Day Jazz" from 20 - 22 January 2017.

48 Results