Weinkistl Saalfelden named the most beautiful shop window

Thursday, 17.08.2023

Weinkistl Saalfelden named the most beautiful shop window

Jazz Festival showcase competition 2023

Today the 43rd Jazzfestival Saalfelden starts and visitors enjoy not only the music but also the wonderful weather. The entire city of Saalfelden is in jazz fever and has been transformed into a big stage: In the traditional “window competition”, 20 shops let their creativity run wild and decorated their shop windows with a lot of commitment. The jury consisted of representatives of the city marketing Saalfelden and the Saalfelden Leogang Touristik and chose the winner on Wednesday, 16.08.2023. 
Weinkistl Saalfelden won this year’s showcase competition. The decoration took up the design of this year's subject and decorated the showcase with concert pictures and other jazzy highlights. 
Feinkost Finstermann took second place. The shop window was decorated with a lot of creativity according to the motto “Jazzfestival”. 
3rd place went to Photo Jelinek. The business scored with creative self-crafting, pictures, etc..